For Sale:

Guitar Lessons Dropship Ecommerce Website

Asking Price: $120,000

This website is a dropship ecommerce site focused on the delivery of leading edge, industry proven guidance for learning to play the guitar. Specifically, the site provides customers with the opportunity to purchase various different DVD lessons to rapidly improve their skills. All lessons and articles are proprietary to the website. On the back-end, all systems from ordering to newsletter to customer database to affiliate functions are integrated making daily operations easy and in one place for the owner who currently spends about 10 hours per week running the website. Since its inception, the site has amassed a customer database of over 6,000 and a subscribers list of 29,000. In the trailing twelve months, the site has generated traffic of over a half a million unique visitors! With new marketing efforts, a new owner can continue build upon the site’s foundation and generate a momentum of growth with very little day to day operations required making this a lucrative relatively automated e-commerce opportunity.

Financial Overview
Gross Revenue $62,021
Cash Flow $44,587
Archive Date 05-18-2011
Status Archived
Year Established 2003
Inventory 1
Other Information
Category Ecommerce drop-ship
Industry Music
Location USA, California (Marin)
Home Based Business Yes
Seller Finanacing Available Yes
Income Sources Products/Services

With the site’s great keyword positioning, its growing traffic and revenues, this website can be expanded in a few areas to boost its sales. Ideas currently being considered include adding new DVD lessons for Rock Guitar, Acoustic Guitar or Lead Guitar to expand its product offerings, establishing a customer loyalty or rewards program for returning customers, adding more affiliate partners and increasing SEO efforts.

Interested? Let's get in touch!