For Sale:

Premium Electronic Greeting Card PPC Website

Asking Price: 3,500,000

Over the last 12 months in the eCards niche globally, while most of the portals in this niche lost marginally on their rankings, this site has remained steady and grown higher. Currently this site has a PR of 5 with great traffic stats and back linking. With over 25,000 flash and animated ecards, they are poised to beat the distribution numbers of during the festive months of Dec - Jan - Feb.

Financial Overview
Gross Revenue 0
Cash Flow 0
Archive Date 06-28-2008
Status Archived
Year Established 1998
Employees 1
Inventory 1
Other Information
Industry Internet
Location USA, Washington (Thurston)
Home Based Business No
Seller Finanacing Available No
Income Sources Advertising/PPC/Adsense

This site has been growing consistently since the inception - as more PPC terms are utilized the traffic, sales and conversion will continue to expand - the greeting card niche has continue to gather momentum due to rising costs for direct mailing greetings. This site is positioned for explosive growth.


There are several websites in this space, but, none compare to the excellence in the systemized approach that this site takes in this niche.

Interested? Let's get in touch!