For Sale: Premium Domain Name
Asking Price: $525,000
Description is a rare 19 year old premium domain name that would be excellent to enhance an already existing full ecommerce website or create a new business in the industries related to internet, mobile, computers or any technology related niche. This short, exact match name is a great name for any company to brand a new product or service related to "unplug" from technology, television, mobile devices, social media, etc. Or acquire this name as the exact match website to your product or service already branded with the UNPLUG name. Can be an informational website as an advice blog on how to unplug from the increasingly hectic world, the internet, technology, your mobile device or even how to unplug your life! It is also a great name to create a movement or clothing line that reminds people to take time to unplug by enjoying the outdoors, spending time with family and friends to find happiness aimed to encourage, inspire, and motivate people of all ages. Lots of potential to be a leader in any of these internet niches when you own this premium 6 letter generic domain name.
Financial Overview
Archive Date |
07-05-2014 |
Status |
Archived |
Year Established |
1995 |
Employees |
N/A |
Inventory |
1 |
Other Information
Category |
Premium Domain Name |
Industry |
Internet |
Location |
USA, Florida (Duval) |
Home Based Business |
Yes |
Seller Finanacing Available |
No |
Income Sources |
No Income |
Interested? Let's get in touch!