For Sale: Premium Domain Name
Asking Price: $750,000
Description is a rare premium domain name for sale. This exact match name is perfect for all types of reporting related businesses, including news, financial, insurance, credit, consumer and medical reporting. It can be targeted to a great number of Industries from social news media, political and business analysts to research firms. It has potential to be developed into a news website or blog and it could be utilized as a portal or directory for various reports or reporting services. is easy to remember and ideal for branding and marketing your next business start up or rebranding an existing website.
Financial Overview
Archive Date |
08-26-2014 |
Status |
Archived |
Year Established |
1995 |
Employees |
N/A |
Inventory |
1 |
Other Information
Category |
Premium Domain Name |
Industry |
Internet |
Location |
USA, Washington (Snohomish) |
Home Based Business |
Yes |
Seller Finanacing Available |
No |
Income Sources |
No Income |
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