Unemployed Turning into New Internet Business Owners
With lay offs surging well over the 500,000 mark monthly, millions of recently unemployed and highly skilled and educated people are taking the plunge into the entrepreneurial waters of developing or buying their own small business. Because internet businesses seem to have statistically greater resilience in this global downturn than traditional offline businesses, many of the swollen ranks of laid off white and blue collar workers are searching for their next job online as self employed website business owners.
We have experienced a large influx of buyer interest from regular folks who are looking to buy themselves a job or new career. The internet offers many the opportunity to work from home, with low overhead and earn a solid income without the long commute, corporate politics, and brutal hours. Website businesses can offer owners a much more flexible schedule as well as the excitement of owning a living breathing entity that operates 24/7 365 days a year – potentially from the comfort of your own home.
While many brick and mortar businesses have suffered locally, regionally and nationally from the recession, a large percentage of online businesses have maintained robust sales and bottomlines because they access a larger market, usually in a very well defined niche. Many employees have dreamed of owning their own business, but typically never have the courage to quit their job and take the steps to making it a reality. In a twist of ironic fortune, many are now taking the plunge out of necessity because the fear of not finding employment or a decent replacement salary are greater than taking on the risk of starting or buying an existing website business for sale.
Consequently, we seem to be experiencing an upwelling of internet business for sale interest that was not as present when the economy was humming along and people were content to punch the clock. This is great news for online business sellers with quality websites for sale, because their solid cash flow business opportunities are in higher demand now.
In fact, Websiteproperties.com is literally in short supply of good ecommerce website businesses and other internet business models to offer the burgeoning ranks of newly “minted” unemployed future internet entrepreneurs! We are happy to hear from sellers with great online businesses ripe for acquisition.