All posts by David Fairley

Send2Press Newswire – Internet Business Broker Expert Coaches Website Owners How to Sell For Optimal Price

Send2Press Newswire, February 6, 2013 David Fairley, president and founder of Website Properties (, has successfully helped people to buy and sell Internet-based businesses since 2002. And 2013 is shaping up to be another strong year in the online business sales niche. An industry expert, Fairley is not only an established website broker, but a […]

Do economic woes equate to a buyers market?

With the news story of the week once again shifting from political pundits discussing “lipstick on a pig” as a reality show diversion to influence silly voters to the cold hard facts that our economy is in worse shape than otherwise expected, voters as well as buyers and sellers of businesses for sale are getting […]

Business Seller Financing takes on new weight

Recently, in conversation with a buyer that was aggressively pursuing multiple websites for sale in our listings, I discovered subsequently that their mode of capital was going to be coming through an SBA loan. Upon hearing this I explained to the buyer that many of the deals would not pass the stringent criteria of the […]

Unemployed Turning into New Internet Business Owners

With lay offs surging well over the 500,000 mark monthly, millions of recently unemployed and highly skilled and educated people are taking the plunge into the entrepreneurial waters of developing or buying their own small business. Because internet businesses seem to have statistically greater resilience in this global downturn than traditional offline businesses, many of […]

Website Valuation in a Tough Economy

The last 6 weeks have been quite a shock to most Americans and people around the world. The economic upheavals have been monumental and without precedent. In our business as website business brokers, we have seen multiple deals fall apart or not move forward as a result of the uncertainty and fear in the marketplace. […]