Currently browsing: Website Broker

Benefits of Hiring a Website Business Broker

When a business owner makes the decision to sell his/her online company, one of the next questions that usually follows is whether to hire a website business broker to handle the sale process or to try to sell on his/her own. Hiring a website business broker provides a number of services that will prove valuable […]

Sell or Hold your Website?

One of the biggest decisions an internet entrepreneur will make is when is the right time to sell the business ( or rather “baby”)? We get approached regularly to provide feedback, free website appraisals and general advice on potential clients internet businesses they own currently and are considering selling. Sometimes our appraisal is enough information […]

Selling a single Website Business when you own multiple sites

A common problem encountered by sellers when listing their website business for sale is that they have multiple internet businesses they operate under one ‘roof’ so to speak. The sellers often only keep one set of books for all the businesses and typically one bank account where funds are deposited. The trouble starts when the […]

Website Flipping – Buying and selling Websites as business model

There are a lot of websites popping up recently promoting the fabulous virtues of flipping websites for a living and making BIG money. Many offer extensive courses and consulting on the do’s and don’ts of this business model. There are certainly plenty of self proclaimed experts and gurus who are now exploiting this niche by […]

What constitutes a Premium Domain name?

The domain name marketplace is still such a wild west subjective market it is not easy to always discern what makes a domain name valuable – or what is known formally in the industry as “premium”! Having represented many domain name owners in selling their assets – either as established websites or parked domains – […]

Does your Website Business sell itself or need an explanation?

As website business brokers specialists, we get contacted daily by potential clients with internet business opportunities they want us to sell for them.  Over the years, we have streamlined our process of evaluating online businesses that we feel have the qualities of a great buy side opportunity. With the precarious economy making headlines, we are […]

Internet Business Niches – focus is key to online success

I was recently lassoed by a family member to assist in their quest for an online business for sale they could buy and operate to create a steady stream of income. The process of working with my sister has been pretty insightful to say the least! What was quite revealing is how daunting the internet and doing business […]

The Seven Essential Traits needed for a successful Internet Business sale

As a professional internet business brokerage, a large part of our job is coaching and guiding our clients prior to, during and after the process of selling their website business. Over the years and after dozens of successful online business for sale closings, we have identified 7 main key traits a seller needs to have […]

How fast will my Website Business sell?

The most common question posed by sellers when considering working with a website business broker like us is “how long will it take to sell my internet business for sale?” Not having a crystal ball to extract the exact date and time, we usually provide our potential clients with – a standard time to complete […]

Why Business Brokers require exclusive listing agreements

Many sellers approach us to sell their internet businesses on a daily basis because of our strong website presence and our growing reputation online. We typically turn away approximately 80% of the seller inquiries currently because their businesses don’t meet our criteria to represent and list. We have set our bar high, so we only […]